Costume Design: Events


'Savannah Songs' is a time-travel musical, an hour-long party that literally sings tour guests from place to historic place, all in honor of Georgia Day. Performances showcase Savannah’s rich history from the 1920s to the ‘80s. 

“Search for The Gryphon” is a Virtual Realty Collaboration. In this demo the user boards a submarine, equipped with a VR headset, and visits the ocean off the coast of Georgia. The VR Attraction launched in April 2019 at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design).


“Destination Imagination” is a virtual reality project that takes the user on a journey into outer space, just escaping massive destruction on planet Earth.

This project is more construction than costumes- but tailored for a custom fit none the less!


“Walking heads” are a staple of many Mardi Gras walking parades in New Orleans. These costumes were created for themed party events at Kern Studios/Mardi Gras World in New Orleans.